Tuesday 9 June 2015

What's social about social media? (2015)

Do you tweet, like, post, share or favourite? Do you know why?

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms can rule and control some people’s lives. Their influence can be seen all over the world.  Scores of people can be seen roaming the streets, heads down, fingers and thumbs poised over screens on smartphones and tablets. Social media is a double edged phenomenon as whilst it does actually encourage people to be sociable and interact with others, it’s on-line, not face to face.
In a time when we are so connected with each other by the web and devices allowing access to it, it’s interesting to see how anti-social using social media on these devices make us. You can be sitting in the same room as someone, yet be completely removed from them as the hold of Facebook, Twitter et al is so strong that they can’t stop checking updates; involved in inane conversations; fawning over pictures of kittens or watching videos of people in ridiculous situations. (I have been guilty of doing this sometimes...)
There is a flip side too, as social media allows you a voice for important issues; raise awareness of the plight of others; address injustices; educate; inform and empower. It is just a matter of how these platforms are approached and used. Social media can be used as a tool for good. Think about how many people use social media and how powerful it has become.
So what does this mean for your business? As many are on-line sharing, liking, posting and watching, social media isn't going anywhere any time soon. Businesses are foolish to ignore the importance and impact of social media. Having others like, share and post about you, your products and business across social media platforms is a win-win situation. It is potentially free advertising, gaining recommendations and referrals. Your involvement is minimal; as others do all the hard work for you once you have created a post, tweet, blog, etc. There are companies and individuals that exist solely to enhance your profile on social media, such is its importance. They can take the bewildering variety of platforms, making them relevant to you and your business, shouldering the burden of updating, posting and sharing.

I hope this post makes sense and strikes a chord with you. I’d love to hear what you think about this issue and how it affects you and your business. We can even meet up and have a coffee, talk and be really social if you’d like.

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